Inductive Effect Index and Gas Phase Proton Affinity of Aliphatic Compound 诱导效应指数与脂肪族化合物的气相质子亲合能
The Basic Concept and Determination Method of Gas-Phase Basicity and Proton Affinity 气相碱度与质子亲合势的基本概念及其测定方法
The bigger the proton affinity is, the weaker the water solution acidity of P_ block element hydride becomes. 质子亲和能愈大,P区元素氢化物水溶液的酸性愈弱。
The relationship of gas phase proton affinity ( PA) of aliphatic amines, alcohols and ethers, inductive effect index ( I) of alkyl group, atomic charge ( q x), electronegativity of element ( X N) of affinity atom in RX molecules was studied. 用烷基诱导效应指数I和RX分子中质子亲合原子X所带电荷qx及元素电负性XN与脂肪胺、醇、醚的气相质子亲合能PA进行关联。